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[Case Study] Staying Secure in 2020

Written by Technium | Jun 28, 2020 4:05:00 PM

A Greater Boston biotech company whom we will refer to as "Biomed" for confidentiality reasons, realized that it didn’t have a dedicated team member to perform regular maintenance or security configuration on the network, which was causing pitfalls within the network. Biomed did have an in-house resource to manage its entire environment though. In order to focus on business-critical projects, the decision was made to offload the network and security operations.

As the relationship expanded between Biomed and Technium, more solutions were able to be presented, developed, and implemented in order to further secure the biotech.

Daily vulnerability scans, regular security dialogue between the teams, and the creation of a full Managed Detection and Response Program have allowed Biomed to significantly increase its security posture in an industry that is all too often targeted.

A Secure 2020 

Since 2018, Biomed has utilized Technium as a security operations partner and resource. Not only has their IT team been able to focus on business-critical projects while the Technium operations handle the network and security ones, we have also worked together to add strategic security initiatives that meet business goals and objectives:

  • NextGen firewall vetting and implementation
  • Network re-architecture for a Zero-Trust design with segmentation and security filtration with improved visibility and controls
  • Forensics and incident response

"It’s nice to have peace of mind knowing Technium is actively monitoring our network. Members of the IT team are able to focus on business-critical processes and applications to enable our scientists to work more efficiently and securely." Chase D., Systems Engineer, Information Technology

Do you need help maintaining your network security? Reach out to us.

NOTE: To protect the privacy of our customer, we have kept all names confidential.